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How to donate your hair

Donate your hair!

Não efetuamos o corte do cabelo na Ong Fio de Luz, temos salões que efetuam corte gratuíto na doação, ou, salões parceiros que vc poderá cortar, temos aqui nesta pagina relação de nossos salões parceiros..


If you wish to send directly to Ong Fio de Luz, other than by PO box, you can send it to the address:


Rua Belarmino Giarola, 27 - Neighborhood: Céu Azul

Belo Horizonte - MG - Zip code: 31.580-300


Note: Inside the envelope, put the whats number, to let us know, as soon as your order arrives!

You  will be able to have your haircut free of charge by donating to the NGO Fio de Luz, CLICK below and find out about the partner salons!!
corte grátis.png

Ask your questions about hair donation!

To donate the hair, it needs to be at least 20cm long and it doesn't matter if it has chemicals or is dyed.- Tie the hair and place it in a plastic bag so that it is safer and more protected. We also ask that it be completely dry (hair can spoil if wet or damp).


Shipping Address:
A/C Ong Wire of Light
PO Box: 5057
Zip code: 31540-280
Belo Horizonte  -MG
Note Only these data above are

enough for shipping.

Sending by PO Box
Note: Inside the envelope, put the whats number, to let us know, as soon as your order arrives!


When you make your hair donation, you will receive a beautiful certificate, as a souvenir, of this beautiful gesture of love, coming directly to Ong Fio de Luz or, sending it by post, in this case you can download it on our website.
We have collection points spread across 05 Brazilian States:  Bahia - Espírito Santo  - Minas Gerais -  Rio Grande do Sul_cc781 -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ - Distrito Federal Brasília  Click below e  find the one closest to you!
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